Lectures and live demonstration on a patient by Finlay Sutton

I absolutely love providing partial dentures for my patients as they are often life changing. I will show you how to make partial dentures function like “removable bridges” and prove that they are viable alternatives to dental implant supported restorations. In addition, I will demonstrate that well designed and made partial dentures can have superior aesthetics over fixed restorations. I will share with you the techniques and methods Rowan Garstang (my dental technician) and I use to achieve predictable results with removable prosthodontics. We provide a special form of partial denture design which is based around a solid chassis (major connector) which splints mobile teeth protecting the periodontium of the remaining natural teeth as much as possible. I will show you how I design and manage all combinations of missing teeth. As well as discussing tooth positioning and partial denture occlusion I will show you how I make accurate impressions and record the occlusion, using gothic arch tracing (in a live demonstration on a patient) enabling Rowan to make accurately fitting partial dentures.

This day is aimed at dentists, clinical dental technicians and dental technicians consisting of a live patient demonstration and lectures abundantly illustrated with step by step photographs and videos of all procedures

Partial Denture Course 2024
Partial Denture Course 2024

Aims, objectives and anticipated outcomes:

  • Making partial dentures as stable, comfortable and secure as possible
  • A good understanding of a step by step design sequence
  • Optimising the aesthetics of partial dentures
  • Making accurate impressions of the hard and soft tissues for cobalt chromium castings
  • Record occlusal relations accurately using gothic arch tracing
  • Designing partial dentures to limit periodontal damage
  • Be able to adjust partial dentures, without compromising their fit and making gaps between teeth and the denture
  • Make partial dentures fit and work like removable bridges
  • Designing dentures for future tooth failure and additions
  • Have happier patients with improved outcomes
  • Better communication between dentist, CDT and dental technician
  • Increased professional satisfaction and rekindle your enthusiasm for partial dentures


Course Details:

Morning Session

8.30 - 9.00Registration and refreshments
9.00 – 11.15Partial denture design, impression making, occlusal registration using rims and gothic arch tracing
11.15 – 11.30Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00Patient demonstration impression making, registration and gothic arch tracing
13.00 – 14.00Lunch Break

Afternoon Session:

14.00 - 15.00Finlay’s case presentations – delegates practice designing for each case
15.00 – 15.15Coffee Break
15.15 – 17.00Finlay’s case presentations – delegates practice designing for each case

Places are limited so reserve your place(s) today.

Book a Place
Contact Details

Contact Details:

Events Co-ordinator: Claire Clark

Course Fee

Course Fee:

£1385 per person

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming Dates

Thursday 21st November 2024



Garstang Dental Referral Practice
Weind House
Park Hill Road
United Kingdom

Places are limited so reserve your place(s) today.

Book a Place
Study Club Live 4 Restoring Jan’s Smile: Complete Dentures Inspired by Her Daughter - Finlay Sutton
Study Club Live 4 Restoring Jan’s Smile: Complete Dentures Inspired by Her Daughter - Finlay Sutton
I walk through the process of providing a Kennedy Class IV mod 1 anterior bruxist patient.
I walk through the process of providing a Kennedy Class IV mod 1 anterior bruxist patient.
Study Club Live 2 Highly aesthetic Kennedy Class IV for Anna - 11 year follow up - Finlay Sutton
Study Club Live 2 Highly aesthetic Kennedy Class IV for Anna - 11 year follow up - Finlay Sutton
Finlay's Monthly Study Club Live Dates
Finlay's Monthly Study Club Live Dates

Finlay's Blog

Study Club Live 4 Restoring Jan’s Smile: Complete Dentures Inspired by Her Daughter - Finlay Sutton

This month's case features the complete denture provision for Jan, a healthy 66-year-old who desired a smile mimicking her daughter's. Back in the 1990s, a growth was removed from her anterior mandible, and the area was skin grafted. Interestingly, she was still using the same complete dentures made over 30 years ago, which was now very worn. The tooth positions were incorrect too, with the upper teeth placed to far back over the ridge giving poor lip support. The lower denture included an extension at the front to fit over the altered anatomy.

Study Club Live 3 Brian the cruncher metal based partial denture/splint - Finlay Sutton

I walk through the process of providing a Kennedy Class IV mod 1 anterior bruxist patient.

Study Club Live 2 Highly aesthetic Kennedy Class IV for Anna - 11 year follow up - Finlay Sutton

I walk through the process of providing a Kenndy Class IV anterior bounded saddle on a very tricky case - very high aesthetic need.

Finlay's Monthly Study Club Live Dates

Each month I go through a case presentation from start to finish. Full of practical tips and tricks that can be taken straight into practice. I discuss problems and solutions I am having in clinical practice. It is free - click on the link to sign up to join. You can ask questions live in the chat box through out the meeting.
